Bitumen Packing Comparison


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377 villa, dream city, Erbil, Kurdistan region of Iraq

 bulk shipmentbulk shipmentbulk shipment
(Bitumen Vessel – Terminal – Tanker)
Used (or) New
Poly Bags
Shipping MethodSpecial Bitumen Vessels – Heated CargoStandard Shipping Containers 18MT-20MT per ContainerStandard Shipping Container 20mt per container
Limited availability, cyclical supplyExcellentExcellent
Shipping CostExpensive, freights vary with demand, difficult to budget for long term projects.AffordableAffordable
StorageExtremely capital intensive in bulk terminals, high operating costs, major overheadsStandard Warehouses or directly on siteStandard Warehouses or directly on site
HandlingBulk road tankers to deliver directly on site.
Expensive but swift.
Forklifts, 5-6 drums/mt.
Used Drums can leak. New drums if mishandled may break as well.Damaged drums that do not break will become difficult to decant.
3.5ton Fork lifts can handle 2 x 1mt bags at a time. All bags double slinged and self-stabilizing. Can go straight from container to Melter in one move. Highly efficient handling.
Ground TransportExpensive Bitumen Tankers – cargo continuously heated.Standard trailers, can visit remote locations in smaller flat beds as well.
Cheap and affordable.
Standard trailers, can visit remote locations in smaller flat beds as well.
Cheap and affordable.
WastageCertain revolving %age will always remain in the vessel, terminal tank and road tanker. A direct loss.3-5% is always left in the drum and is wasted.Inner lining is completely consumable. 100% of transported cargo is consumed.
Decanting / MeltingProduct is always in liquid state, easy and immediate decanting.Each drum has to be cut open (often manually). This is an arduous and inefficient task. Messy and often product is left behind in the drum.Simple. Outer bag is cut away and the inner lining and cargo is melted in one go.
Environmental ImpactLarge carbon footprint for entire supply chain as energy is used to keep the cargo heated throughout.Very Poor as a steel drum has to be produced for just 160 – 180kg of bitumen. A 1000mt project results in 5000+ empty drums to be disposed of. The used drums will have bitumen residue that will inevitably pollute the ground and storage/scrapInner lining is 100% consumable and outer lining is 100% recyclable.
Other PointsExpensive, large carbon footprint and huge capital needs to be invested into a distribution chain that should be obsolete by now.Old drums could cross contaminate the bitumen.
New Drums are expensive.
Triple layered technology and an outer woven polypropylene bag ensures chance of leakage is negated.